Digital Denture Design

[ DID YOU KNOW ] In 2024 over 43% of dentures are expected to be digital.
Technology is revolutionizing dentures, just as it has every other aspect of our daily lives. Firstly, we’ve come a long way from crafting false teeth out of wood or making toothpaste out of burnt or ground shells. At YYC Denture Clinic we are always quick to adopt new tools and techniques. Our practice is also equipped with state of the art technology. To be the best we must stay ahead of the curve. We are always learning, and we never stop seeking new ways to take care of your smile!
Most Importantly, what are the benefits of Digital Dentures? Not only is it an easier faster and better approach at creating dentures. But it also provides more security to patients in the form of a permanent digital record of their prosthesis. If a denture is damaged or lost, a replacement is just a phone call away!
Therefore, with 3D printing, it’s easy to print a new denture because we have a digital file that was created and stored. This is not the case with modern dentures. Typically, 5 or more visits are needed before a final denture can be delivered. Digital dentures is undoubtedly the future, and offers a greater precision, exceptional fit, and fewer appointments! This means spending time doing what you love.
Call us today (403) 475-3330 to learn more about getting your digital denture design at YYC Denture Clinic! Because we love to see you smile ????